Homeopathy is a school of medicine based on the fact
               that humans----like plants and animals----possess the
          ability to heal themselves.  It is the goal of homeopathy
          to stimulate this ability and strengthen the body's cura-
          tive powers.


                                What is the difference between homeopathic
          medicines and ordinary medicines? 

                    Ordinary medicines attempt to either (1) destroy the
          microbes associated with a disease or (2) suppress the
          symptoms that accompany it.  This requires strong drugs
          ---- mostly synthetic ---- which can attack the body with
          unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. 

                    Homeopathic medicines work with the body, not against
          it.  The result of over two hundred years of medical
          research and clinical experience, they treat ailments by
          stimulating the body's own natural defense system.
          They help the body to heal themself. 

                    How safe are homeopathic medicines?

                     Homeopathic medicines are made from natural ingredi-
          ents, 80% of them botanical in origin.  Since only tiny
          amounts are needed to stimulate the body's own natural
          defense system, they are administered in the smallest
          possible doses.  They are remarkably free from side ef-
          fects of any kind and are among the safest preparations
          known to medical science.

                    You can trust you pet's health to homeopathy.


Books to Read

Everybody's Guide To Homeopathic Medicine
Cummings & Uhlman
The Science of Homeopathy           
George Vithoulkas
Lectures On Homeopathic Philosophy
James Tyler Kent MD
Repertory Of The Homeopathic Meteria Medica

James Taylor Kent MD

Lectures On Homeopathic Materia Medica
James Taylor Kent MD
Materia Medica Of The Nosodes


Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide To Natural Health for Dogs & Cats        Dr. Richard Pitcairn
The Pocket Manual Of Homeopathy (Veterinary Medicine)         *New Delhi India*
The Hand-Book to Veterinary Medicine    
*New Delhi India*
The Homeopathic Treatment of Small Animals   
Christopher Day
Dog Diseases Treated By Homeopathy      
James Moore
Homeopathy In Veterinary Practice Dr. J.S. Harndall  
 *New Delhi India*
Vaccinosis and Its Cure By Thuja                             *New Delhi India*

*New Dehli India* are ones published by B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd New Delhi India

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