This is a method of protecting your animals from common diseases using homeopathic medicines given by mouth.  The use of homeopathic prevention is intended to replace the
usual vaccination method of injection with living viruses or viral particles.  The advantage of this alternative is the very high level of safety (e.g., lack of sides effects) and the ease of home administration.  In some breeds we are seeing serious disease conditions associated with the aftermath of frequent vaccinations especially when used in combina- tion injections containing several or more disease agents.  These conditions range from paralysis and polyarthritis to chronic skin allergies and ear infections.

Though this method is relatively new to the United States, the use of homeopathic Nosodes (pronounced no'-sodes), which are remedies or medicines made from the disease itself, has a long history of effectiveness in England and Europe.  For example, research done recently in England with the nosode used to prevent Kennel Cough showed it to be more effective than the vaccination. 

          The details of the study are as follows: an outbreak of Kennel Cough in a kennel of
40 dogs showed that the use of vaccinations was not effective.  Eighteen of the 40
dogs had been previously vaccinated with Parainfluenza 3 (injectable) and Bordetalla
(intranasal) before the outbreak.  Every one of the vaccinated dogs became ill with a
cough (100%) while only 19 of the remaining 22 unvaccinated dogs developed  symp-
toms (86%).  The symptoms were severe.  Faced with the possibility of closing the
kennel, the owners decided to try use of a Kennel Cough Nosode (homeopathic remedy).

                Over the next several months a total of 214 dogs were treated and observed.  All dogs
both previously vaccinated or not were given the nosode.  The results show that, after the
use of the nosode, the incidence of Kennel Cough decreased to 4.7% in the previously
vaccinated animals that came into the kennel and (to) about .7% in the previously  un-
vaccinated dogs.  The higher incidence for the vaccinated dogs is thought by the research-
ers to be due to an interference by the vaccine with the effectiveness of the homeopathic

This alternative is available to pet owners who wish to avoid the usual vaccination procedure.  So far, experience has shown no problem with side effects if the animal has been healthy.  Nosodes should not be used in animals with any ongoing disease process, severe parasite problems, or with symptoms of illness present.  No other medications should be used while using nosodes except heartworm medication (if necessary). 

The diseases I recommend nosode protection for are Canine parvovirus and Canine Distemper.  The other diseases in the combination vaccine are of extremely low incidence and I would not worry about protection from them unless there was some high risk exposure potential with an individual situation, (e.g., Dogs in frequent contact with Cattle with potential exposure to Leptospirosis).  Kennel Cough is another nosode that may be needed if there are high risks of exposure.  There is also a Heartworm nosode that has been used for several years in a number of animals.  Although I would still call this experimental, it seems to be effective and is an alternative to the chemical preventatives. 

Nosodes for Feline Panleukopenia, Respiratory Disease Complex, Feline Leukemia, and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) are also available. 

Rabies vaccinations are a LEGAL REQUIREMENT  in most states.  The Rabies nosode can be given at the time of a vaccination to reduce the chance of a subsequent reaction to the vaccine.  It is not, however, an acceptable replacement for the vaccination and will not meet any legal requirements.

 These selected nosodes are given in several doses days or weeks apart and then repeated on three to six month intervals following the initial series.  They are all given by mouth and administration is easy as with all homeopathic remedies. 

Nosodes are one important aspect of having a healthy pet.  Avoiding excessive vaccina- tions, feeding a proper diet of fresh food, and using homeopathic remedies when required vs. antibiotics and chemicals will give your animal the best opportunity for leading a long and healthy life. 

You can contact our office to order Nosodes and instructions: 




ROUTE 2, BOX 568, PITTSBORO, N.C. 27312



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